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Electronic Record / Signature Disclosure & Premier Construction Software Terms

From time to time, CORA – PREMIER HOLDCO INC ("Premier," "Premier Construction Software," "we," "us," or "our") may be required by law to provide you certain written notices or disclosures.

Described below are the terms and conditions for providing to you such notices and disclosures electronically through the Premier service, in addition to certain electronic signature and Premier Construction Software Terms.

Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you

( i ) can access this information to your satisfaction;
( ii ) accept these Electronic Record / Signature Disclosure (ERSD) & Premier Construction Software Terms, and;
( iii ) agree to use electronic records and signatures, please select the checkbox next to "I accept the Electronic Record / Signature Disclosure & Premier Construction Software Terms and agree to use electronic records and signatures".

If you received an electronic document via the Premier service at the request of a third-party with whom you are entering into a contract, such third-party may be referred to herein as a "sending party".

You are not required to agree to receive notices and disclosures electronically, nor are you required to sign documents electronically. If you prefer, you may elect to sign on paper, request paper copies, and/or withdraw your consent to receive electronic notices and disclosures at any time, each as described below.

Getting Paper Copies

You are not required to receive notices or disclosures electronically and may request paper copies of documents or disclosures if you prefer to do so. You also can download and print any unsigned or signed documents sent to you through the Premier service using the Download and Print icons.

Premier may also email you a copy of all documents you sign using the Premier service. If you wish to receive paper copies in lieu of electronic documents, you may close this web browser and request paper copies from the "sending party". The "sending party" may apply a charge for requesting paper copies.

Scope Of Consent

You agree to receive electronic notices, disclosures, and electronic signature documents with all related and identified documents and disclosures provided over the course of your relationship with the "sending party". You may at any point withdraw you consent by notifying the "sending party".

Withdrawal Of Consent

You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic documents, notices or disclosures at any time. In order to withdraw consent, you must notify the "sending party" that you wish to withdraw consent to receive electronic records and disclosures and to instead provide you future documents, notices, and disclosures in paper format.

After withdrawing such consent, if at any point in the future you proceed forward and again utilize the Premier Electronic Signature service, you are once again consenting to receive notices, disclosure and documents electronically.

To Update Your Contact Information

In case your contact info or email address changes, you must contact the "sending party" to update your contact info or email address.

Sign On Paper

If you do not wish to electronically sign documents, you can alternatively use the 'Sign on Paper' functionality to print the document, sign on paper, scan, and upload back the signed document. To access this option, click 'Cancel' to go to previous page and click 'Sign on Paper'.

Decline signing

You have the option to 'Decline' signing any document you receive with this Electronic Signature service. To access this option, click 'Cancel' to go to previous page and click 'Decline'.

System requirement

Use of the Electronic Signature service requires a recent version of popular web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Viewing PDF documents might require additional software such as Adobe Reader or similar.

Acknowledging your access and consent to receive and sign documents electronically

To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please confirm that you have read this ERSD & Premier Terms, and:

( i ) that you are able to print on paper or electronically save this ERSD & Premier Construction Software Terms for your future reference and access; or
( ii ) that you are able to email this ERSD & Premier Construction Software Terms to an email address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access.

Further, to confirm to us that you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format as described herein, please follow the steps described below.

By selecting the checkbox next to "I accept this Electronic Record / Signature Disclosure & Premier Construction Software Terms" or upon selection of this module in your Master Services Agreement, or any similar agreement with Premier Construction Software, and proceeding with your use of the Electronic Signature Solution, you confirm that:

  • You can access and read this ERSD & Premier Construction Software Terms;
  • You can print on paper this ERSD & Premier Construction Software Terms, or save or send this ERSD & Premier Construction Software Terms to a location where you can print it, for future reference and access;
  • You consent to receive exclusively through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you by Premier Construction Software during the course of your relationship with Premier Construction Software;
  • Premier Construction Software, the provider of this Electronic Signature service,
    • (1) makes no representations to you regarding the authenticity, validity or enforceability of electronic signatures (nor as to the required disclosures that are to be made in respect of same),
    • (2) bears no responsibility for the ongoing storage of the documents or contracts that you execute with this Electronic Signature Service and
    • (3) shall have no liability to you in respect of any damages you may incur as a result of your use of this Electronic Signature service.
  • You consent to Premier Construction Software automatically inserting your electronic signature and/or initials in all places in each document where your signature or initials is required. Premier Construction Software provides you the ability to preview, print, or download the signed document before you submit it. It is your responsibility to review the entire signed document to make sure that you agree with the document in its entirety, including but not limited to each and all of the places where your signature and/or initials have been inserted and:
  • Premier Construction Software may retain transaction data or consumer data for so long as it has a business purpose to do so. Premier Construction Software may revise these Terms, including changing, deleting, or supplementing with additional terms and conditions from time to time in our sole discretion, including to reflect changes in applicable law. Premier Construction Software will post the revised terms on our website with an indication as to the currency of the terms. Premier Construction Software request that you review these terms on a frequent basis to note if there have been any changes to these Terms. You agree that Premier Construction Software shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any revision to these Terms.
  • All materials, including, without limitation, text, graphics and other files, and the arrangement thereof, are the property of Premier Construction Software and Premier Construction Software reserves all rights associated with such intellectual property.
  • Except as specifically amended as provide herein, all of the terms and conditions of the Master Services Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and these Terms are incorporated therein.